I promise…say these words consistently and your life will change. What are they???….”God…use me” *Give love to feel love AS you; NOT to find your worth*: This is a VERY important distinction. Otherwise you will live with a slow smoldering feeling of: “people take advantage “or “you are not supported.” Most interactions are in the energy of “what can I get?” verses “how can I serve”. An energy of sales verses service. It is actually leading with the sales energy or “getting” that will DRAW IN those to take advantage of you. Leading with Love or ‘Use Me’..does not. Live in the realm of God through an inward
intention of: “use me’. Live in fear and struggle with: ‘how can i get?”.
20 years ago I said “God..use me”, this brought in an abundance of clients, writing opportunities, and continued prosperity. It is that simple. Yet…we ALL get distracted by fear. We are all flawed and divine.
Make this statement your own. It is a daily practice.
“Love..use me..”. “Universe…use me” Also works.
I need to recommit to this statement every morning. I feel
when it clicks in. My day is crap if I don’t do this.
In choosing Love,and God from the start…. prosperity, love
and miraclesĀ will be reflected back.