Self Acceptance Process Teachers Training
â TABS: Click Here. Please note: one-on-one is different than curriculum to the left; however, this gives a general framework to what may be covered in the one-on-one.
All topics listed are covered and tailored to the individual’s specific needs. Students in the Self Acceptance Program will meet for group workshops in addition to the one-on-one training.
Self Acceptance Process Mechanics
- Trusting FULLY the present moment. Beauty and perfection of âWhat Isâ.
- Principles, practices, and application of of Non duality.
Holding Space
- What does it mean and how?
- Why is non-reaction so powerful?
- Reflecting wholeness in awareness.
Being the Non-dual (unified) Field, Tuning Fork.
Healthy Will
- What makes a teacher of Self Acceptance Process?
- Your intention shapes action. Why serve? Detached? Honoring their direct connection?
Month Two–
Perceived Protectors
What are they?
Epigenetics: patterns genetic, or collective consciousness?
The five main Perceived ProtectorsâWhere are you?
Why do we create them?
Ecopsychology/Shamanic practices
Principles and practices for Ecopsychology Earth connection
5 elements Qi Cong
Using the Earth energies within your body and practice
Medicine Walk: Nature PracticeâWhy do it?
The 4 directions: South
Month Three–Working with Your main teachers -Self Acceptance Process Attunement
- Holding space
- Vibrational Mirror
- Staying focused in the center. Saying grounded.
Perceived Protectors âCords (unwinding, identifications)
- Pattern 1
- The dark side of pattern one: responsibility
- What is illness trying to tell you or your client?
- (The Perceived Protector Work to clear toxic imprints from your Field, heal illness, and change life self-sabotaging patterns.)
Nature Walk
- Understanding ways Spirit/God speaks to you (The âclairsâ, and symbols)
- Rites Of Passage: The death (West)
Qi Cong: Organ rejuvenation
- Cultivating awareness of energy bodies
Seeing and sensing energy
Seeing the cords, chakra clouds
Energy WorkâRunning energy from Dan Tien verses Heart
- How to feel the difference-Huge difference in what it moves.
- Connecting Meridians
- Clearing emotions
- Pulse testing
- Muscle Testing
- Heart-Centered Qi Cong
- Medicine Stillness
Light side of Perceived Protector: Pattern One
Nature Practices
- Rites Of Passage: The Threshold
Month Four–
Perceived Protectorsâ
- As a person (limited self-identity)
- Pattern 2
- The Perceived Protector Work to clear toxic imprints from your Field, heal illness, and change life self-sabotaging patterns.)
- How work changes the trajectory of one’s life.
- Using art and visualization
Understanding medical intuition through pulse testing
Hearing ones own body
Trauma Erase
- Preparing the energy: GROUNDING
- Inner Child Wounding
- Using compassionate witnessing, grounding, intuition
Duality ReleasesâGeneral Clearing
Perceived Protector: Pattern 2, Light side of responsibility
Month Five–
Homeopathic History
- Dosage
- Use for emotional balance
- 4 main spectrums of homeopathic constitutionals
- 6 main of the 12 homeopathics for trauma
Healing from Earth mother
- Moving Earth energy
- How to move consciousness of each element
Perceived ProtectorsâAs a past life
- Pattern 3: Dark side of Power
- Seeing the past life
Duality ReleasesâShapeshift energy
- Stepping up energy
- Clearing the withhold
Seeing Beliefs as a Wound:
Recognizing and healing
Perceived Protector: Pattern 3 Light Side of Power
- Holding the Field
- Setting a vibrational set point
- The effect you really have in your though
Pattern 4: Dark side of Love
- Soul constellation to see the perceived protector
- What chakra and energy body does it reside in?
- What is the core limiting belief?
Returning home to the child
- Grounding into space
- Working with your guides
- Combining belief releasing with Soul Retrieval
Perceived Protector: Pattern 4, light side of Love
- Art and visualization
- Using TCM 12 main meridians
- Chakra clearing and 4 energy body
Month Seven–
- Returning home to the child
- Grounding into space
- Working with your guides
- Combining belief releasing with Soul Retrieval
- Perceived Protector: Pattern 4, light side of Love
- Art and visualization
- Using TCM 12 main meridians
Chakra clearing and 4 energy body
Month Eight–
- Perceived Protector pattern 5: Dark and light side of expression
- Movement and demonstrating your life story
Using movement and body to accept and love the Perceived Protector
Sound to move and open energy
- Review of using tools
- Releasing a Belief as A Wound
- Duality Release
- Using Chakras as Space
- Four Body Clearing
- Homeopathy
Month Nine-
Incorporating your session work: Chakra, Belief as a Wound, Perceived Protector, Pulse testing, Energy Healing, 5 Energy Bodies
Your main teacher
Holding the Field
Recognizing Cords in specific chakras, energy fields, or people
- Opening to Your Vision Fully
- Making the changes
- What changes need to happen
- What is your Perceived Protector
Using art or movement with your Perceived Protector to your dreams/purpose
Movement and Expression to empower purpose
Mechanics of S.A.P, review steps, application
What story is running your life?
Using S.A.P to clear
Empowering A New Story
- Holding the Field
- Telling a new story
- Duality Release
Energy meridian awareness and Homeopathics to clear old patterns
Making the changes
There is an order, harmony, and joy that works in your life when you give your âlittle lifeâ over to the fire of Divine Love. True happiness comes from yielding to the divine destiny Creation has for your life.
Through your own self-acceptance, your presence can heal others. How you choose to express is secondary to the energy you are transmitting in your presence. As a healing professional or teacher (independent of what healing modality you are using), if you are not spontaneously shifting people to their True Self, then you are not healing them. Healing means to remember your wholeness. All suffering comes from forgetting Who and What We Truly Are. You are here to be a tuning fork to others through your living example.
Journaling | Spiritual Practice |
During the nine-month Transformational Experience
- Session Work – 4 hours
- Host – A Self Acceptance Process Circle
Why Self Acceptance Process Is So Powerful | Self Acceptance Process |
Magnificent YOU | Spiritual Liberation: Dr Michael Beckwith |
Course In Miracles | The Hope: Andrew Harvey |