Another amazing story i’d love to share. My doggie Masa has been limping for a month. No signs of a break. So I did the things that worked in the past. When I first got Masa 8 years ago, the vet confirmed she had an inverted knee cap and needed surgery. I decided to pray over her and do energy work. It healed.
Another time, she had a tumor on the side of her body. I gave her wheat grass for few days… It ruptured and left her body. Awesome, eh?
So this time, prayer, Arnica. and supplements were NOT working. So I was then guided to give her 20 tabs of a green product a day. Limp went away in two days!! I realized her blood had become acid from her packaged dog food. When the blood is acid, it pulls minerals into the bloodstream creating inflammation and cracking in the joints. The green food re-alkalized her system.
Sharing this story with my students, I was immeditatly asked what product I used.(Please don’t ask me what product I used.) Western medicines magic pill mentality has put our power to heal more into potions and technology than our innate capacities. My hope in what you hear from Masa’s story is that change and healing ARE possible. Supplements, herbs, food DO help. However in working with humans for past 20 years I’ve seen the #1 thing that promotes healing is OPENING to POSSIBILITY>
Without this opening….no magic pill/supplement/herb will work.
This opening is very hard for humans because:
1. We blame and attack ourselves, others, and our family for our pain. We then shape a sense of “self” on these stories.
2. We just don’t know how to love the pain, fear, hate, and stuff within. We do all sorts of things trying to “fix” ourselves…forgetting we are already Divine.
3. Opening to possbility means opening to the unknown
AND this opening takes time…patience and the help of a mentor. You have not failed if you feel stuck. You just need more help.Ā
The story and pain are not bad. It is the fertilizer to realizing your True Self. It is part of Creations plan. The Illness and emotional pain can become a gift.
Now trapped in a very painful story..the mind now labels healing, and spiritual growth as “not possible”, “girly”, “wu wu” or “unscientific”
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Healing, and growth are possible.
I see it everyday.
Beleive it is possible.
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Prosperous Service Workshop Aug 10th 5-9
You can be supported and live your dream.
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Senstive Kids Program–Starting Sept 27th
Your child is not “ill”…they are gifted. Is your child very senstiive?
Or have they been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD?
Parents…there is something you can do.
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Sexuality As A Super Power-Oct 26th. Celebrating being a woman! Awaken a new paradigm of feminine empowerment. Tap into ancient archetypical energies to discover the true BEAUTY of your being!
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Self Acceptance Process Certification forming for 2018!!