As I was waiting for my juice, I watched a man fume on the inside because of his very long wait at Better Health food store. I saw this cloud of red around him. After he left, a woman walked to the register smiling. I saw her mood flip on a dime as she stepped into the trail of thought energy left by the man. She said angrily “Can we get someone here at register!!!” (Even though she was second in line.) She then started to complain that she didn’t have the coupon. I decided to love her, know she is more than her behavior, and have kind thoughts about her. All of a sudden,without being asked, the woman smiled and said “I am ok now”.
One thought of love literally fires 7x stronger in the brain than fear.
Love can cancel out fear on the inside and out.
Interesting eh?
Love is a real force.
We all have it.
Have you taken authority over your own energy?
Do you know that most people don’t think their own thoughts?
I see a majority of people in a state of reaction to other people’s clouds of thought, the news, or societal conscoiusness. Some people have not had an orginal thought in years.
Why? Many reasons:
Growth is scary.
Afriad to claim their soverienty.
Deep trauma.
Or simply not willing to unidenitfy with the mind.
Dear loves… Meditate daily.
Step into the ‘watcher’ of your thoughts.
Thougts are felt by everyone around you. Become aware that the mind is constantly thinking…like the heart is beating.
You can’t solve your problems through thinking.
Creativity/insight/ new ideas come from the space of the ‘no-mind’/awareness/watcher/spirit (names for the same thing)
Take athority over your life.
Ground in the wisdom of your spirit.
Meditate daily
And…Message me for a session if you are ready for a big change.