Rising Above The Drama:
Ok, this may sound dramatic. But this is truly how I don’t let my mind go into chaos. This thought works for me. I know that when I am not aligned with Peace within…. my vibration negatively effects the Earth, children and environment. I drop the little stuff. I stop thinking about what people are thinking about. I let others “good opinions” be theirs.
The ego’s job is to try to protect you. However this defensiveness does not empower you. If you believe your ego, you will feel like the walking dead. You are NOT the crazy thoughts your ego mind thinks.
My friend Ronald works with orphan kids in Uganda. I saw this picture today of the child praying, and the b.s. my mind was holding, fell away.
Peace is not passive. Your vibration effects others. If you are feeling pain today (irritation,fear, sadness) take time to mediate, get into nature and do spiritual study. Your inner work matters.
Who ever is around you; IS the person to serve. Instead of asking “What can I get?”, ask “How can I serve? God use me” These questions pull you out of ego mind that wants to kill you.
Remember every problem is asking you to birth more God qualities on the planet. Love/God wants to show up as you. Ignore the drama and rise to the power of PEACE.
I have seen now, hundreds of times, that when a person love’s themselves, and does their inner work… things change in their life’s!! Life reflects back what YOU are broadcasting!!!!
Choose love.
Hold a vision for your life.
Let go.
AND, be a bad ASS for Love.
Your inner work matters.
Your daily acts of kindness matter.
We can do it.
Change is possible.
It wasn’t the majority that wanted to abolish slavery or allow women to vote.
It just takes a small group dedicated to LoVE to create change.
Be a REBEL for Love.
Hope to see you tonight!
630P here at Accepted AS I Am. Come cultivate peace and align with the God qualities that want to be expressed as you.
Picture of:
kids sleeping on street.
kids praying.
Ronald singing to the kids.