Rooted Visionaries

Barbra White

Become a love warrior and learn to heal suffering through joy.

Become a rooted visionary for your community taking a stand “for” and never “against”.

The Divine Feminine is about emotional awareness, embodying Love, connecting with Earth, and living in a sensual flow—in a safe, supportive way.

Shamanism is about being able to transmute darkness and connect to the Earth to heal people through you.

The Self Acceptance Process™ teaches foundations of Compassionate Witnessing to shift collective and individual consciousness, midwifes the Soul, and awakens the healer in us all.

In this program, you will:

  • Feel your innate worth and purpose.
  • Develop your healthy masculine to hold your radiant feminine.
  • Expand your capacity to embody Love and be a vehicle of LightÂ